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How to Check Which Photos Your Boyfriend Likes on Instagram?

Ever found yourself wondering about peeking into your boyfriend’s Instagram activities? If so, I totally get where you’re coming from. It’s natural to be curious. However, Instagram removed the feature that allowed users to see the likes and comments of others directly within the app in 2019. This means you can no longer see someone else’s likes through a “Following” tab or similar functionality within Instagram itself. That said, there are a few methods and tools that could potentially help you understand your boyfriend’s activity on the platform.

Third-party Tools

Are you curious about what’s happening on your boyfriend’s Instagram? Check this out: Dolphinradar can be your go-to tool for keeping tabs on his Insta activities. And guess what? It’s totally automated, anonymous, and legal.

how you can track your boyfriend’s Instagram account with Dolphinradar

  • Step 1: Head over to Dolphinradar and sign up. Once you’re in, navigate to your Dashboard.

Dolphinradar’s Dashboard

  • Step 2: Add your boyfriend’s Instagram account to your tracking list. Just a heads-up, though — Dolphinradar’s tracking capabilities are limited to public Instagram accounts. So, if your boyfriend’s account is private, Dolphinradar won’t be able to track it.

How to add your boyfriend’s Instagram account to your dolphinradar’s tracking list

  • Step 3: After adding his Instagram account to the tracking list, all you need to do is sit back and wait for Dolphinradar to whip up a detailed analysis report for you.

What kind of info you can dig up with Dolphinradar’s Instagram activity tracking reports?

Here’s a sneak peek at Dolphinradar’s Activity Analytics Sample, which you can use to see if their service meets your needs. I’ve also put together a quick rundown of the info to help you out. Hope this helps!

Overview of Your Boyfriend’s Instagram Activity

Dolphinradar offers a snapshot of your boyfriend’s Instagram activities over the past week. This includes his active time slots on Instagram, any changes in the accounts he follows (including new follows and unfollows), how many likes he’s dished out, and the accounts he interacts with the most.

Details on Likes

You’ll see a detailed list of all the likes your boyfriend has made on Instagram over the past week. This includes the accounts he liked, the number of likes, and the content of those likes. You can even click on user avatars and liked content to jump directly to the corresponding Instagram page or post. This makes it easier for you to check if his likes raise any red flags.

Your Boyfriend’s Instagram Interest Tags

Dolphin Radar uses big data analytics to analyze the content and accounts your boyfriend likes. Then, it displays his recent interests in a tag cloud format. When your boyfriend suddenly gets interested in stuff he never cared about before, it can often be a red flag. Keep an eye out!

View Past Posts Effortlessly

You can now view your boyfriend’s historical posts easily with Dolphin Radar, saving you the hassle of checking his account post by post.

Top 5 Accounts with Most Comments

Discover the top 5 accounts that comment the most on your boyfriend’s posts. This can help you identify who he interacts with the most, giving you insights into his social circle and frequent interactions. Pay special attention to these comments; frequent or overly personal comments might indicate closer relationships.

Identify Suspicious Accounts

Dolphin Radar helps you identify potential suspicious accounts linked to your boyfriend’s Instagram profile across Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, TikTok, and Snapchat.

Downloadable Analytics

Download detailed analytics and access all data in a CSV file, including information not shown above.

Track Historical Reports

To better track and understand your boyfriend’s Instagram activity, Dolphin Radar offers historical report tracking for up to 36 weeks of data. This allows you to observe trends, changes in behavior, and any unusual activities over an extended period.

Additionally, depending on the subscription plan, monthly, quarterly, and annual tracking reports will be sent.

AI Insights Feature

Dolphin Radar’s AI Insights feature helps you track your boyfriend’s social media activity and gain deeper insights.

1. AI-powered analysis provides insights into behavior, MBTI, relationships, psychology, location, and more.

2. AI Insights offers detailed and actionable reports based on your boyfriend’s posts, likes, and other social media activities. The more data you track, the more accurate and valuable the insights become.

3. AI Insights help you understand your boyfriend better by analyzing his social media activities and generating comprehensive reports, including uncovering any unusual behaviors.

You can check out the AI Insights sample for @kyliejenner below.

Here’s what’s new in Dolphin Radar after the upgrade:

Introducing Dolphin Radar’s new Instagram Anonymous Story Viewer! With this feature, you can now view your boyfriend’s Instagram stories and highlights completely anonymously and for free.

Whether you’re curious about what he has posted or just want to explore Instagram without restrictions, our tool lets you do it with ease.

Key Features:

· View Instagram Stories Anonymously for Free: Check out your boyfriend’s Instagram stories and highlights without anyone knowing. Your privacy is always protected.

· Download Instagram Stories and Highlights: Save and download his stories and highlights directly to your device for future viewing.

· Bypass the 24-Hour Limit: Instagram stories usually disappear after 24 hours, but with Dolphin Radar, you can add the accounts you want to track and keep their stories for as long as you want.

· View Instagram Stories Without an Account: Access Instagram stories effortlessly without logging in or even having an Instagram account.

· No App Download Required: Use any device to view Instagram stories without the need for a third-party app. Enjoy seamless access right from your browser.

This is an example of Instagram Story Viewer results using David Beckham.

The Pros and Cons of Using Dolphin Radar

If you’re considering Dolphin Radar for tracking Instagram activities, here’s a friendly heads-up on its pros and cons to help you make an informed decision:

Pros of Dolphin Radar

· Safe and Anonymous: The best part? Dolphin Radar doesn’t ask for any of my personal Instagram info, so my account stays totally secure. Plus, the person I’m tracking is none the wiser — they won’t know I’m on their digital trail.

· Accurate Data: I’ve checked, and the reports from Dolphin Radar are spot on, offering detailed and accurate data.

· Affordable Subscription: I did some shopping around and compared prices with similar services. With an annual subscription, Dolphin Radar offers the lowest rates at just $2.75 per month, making it an economical choice that’s easy to try.

Cons of Dolphin Radar

· Paid Service: As mentioned, to unlock the tracking capabilities of Dolphin Radar, you’ve got to subscribe. No freebies here.

· Tracking Limitations: Dolphin Radar sticks to the rules, only allowing tracking of public Instagram accounts for compliance reasons. So, if you’re looking to peek into more private aspects of someone’s Instagram life, Dolphin Radar might not cut it for you.

Manual Checking

The manual checking method to see what pictures someone likes on Instagram involves a few steps that, while straightforward, can be quite time-consuming and require patience. Given Instagram’s privacy policies and the removal of the ‘Following’ tab that once allowed users to see friends’ likes and comments directly within the app, manually checking is one of the few methods left, albeit with significant limitations and privacy concerns.

Steps for Manual Checking

  1. Visit the Profile: Start by visiting the profile of the person whose likes you’re interested in checking. This is your starting point.
  2. Explore Following List: Check the list of accounts they are following. This gives you a pool of potential profiles where the person might have engaged with content.
  3. Browse Through Posts: For each profile they follow, browse through recent posts to see if the person has liked any of them. You’ll need to click on the likes of a post to see if their name appears in the list of people who have liked the post.
  4. Repetitive Process: Repeat this process for as many profiles as you think necessary or until you’ve satisfied your curiosity. Remember, this method requires you to speculate on which profiles might contain content they’ve liked, making it an imprecise approach.


· Time-consuming and Tedious: This method can be incredibly time-consuming, especially if the person follows a large number of accounts or engages with content sporadically.

· Privacy Concerns: Manually checking someone’s likes can raise significant privacy and ethical concerns. It’s a method that invades personal space without consent and can undermine trust in a relationship.

· Potential for Inaccuracy: There’s no guarantee you’ll find what you’re looking for, as the person might like posts from private accounts you cannot access or may not have liked any posts recently.


Navigating the curiosity about a boyfriend’s Instagram activities brings us to a crossroad of modern relationship dynamics and digital privacy. While tools like Dolphin Radar offer a technologically advanced solution for those seeking insights into social media behavior, they introduce a debate on the ethical considerations of digital surveillance. On the flip side, manual checking, albeit time-consuming and fraught with limitations, remains an option for those determined to pursue this path. Ultimately, the choice to delve into a partner’s social media activities requires a careful consideration of the relationship’s foundation, mutual respect, and boundaries.

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