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How to See Who Someone Recently Followed on Instagram

Are you curious about who your friends, family, or favorite influencers are following on Instagram? In today’s social media-driven world, it’s common to wonder about the new connections people are making online. Whether it’s for personal curiosity, networking, or influencer research, knowing who someone recently followed can provide interesting insights. In this guide, we’ll explain how you can check someone’s recent follows on Instagram, while also considering privacy and ethical concerns.

Are you curious about who your friends, family, or favorite influencers are following on Instagram? In today’s social media-driven world, it’s common to wonder about the new connections people are making online. Whether it’s for personal curiosity, networking, or influencer research, knowing who someone recently followed can provide interesting insights. In this guide, we’ll explain how you can check someone’s recent follows on Instagram, while also considering privacy and ethical concerns.

Why Check Someone’s Recent Instagram Follows?

There are a few reasons why you might be interested in someone’s recent follows on Instagram:

  1. Curiosity: Sometimes, you simply want to know more about the people your friends or family are connecting with.
  2. Networking: If you’re looking to expand your own network, seeing who your peers follow can help you discover valuable connections.
  3. Influencer Research: For those in marketing or business, tracking an influencer’s recent follows can offer insight into their interests or potential collaboration opportunities.
  4. Relationship Concerns: In some cases, concerns about a partner’s online activity might prompt someone to check their recent follows for reassurance.

Can You See Who Someone Recently Followed on Instagram?

Yes, it’s possible, but the level of access you have depends on the type of account and Instagram’s privacy settings. Here are a few ways to find out who someone has recently followed:

1. Checking Their “Following” List

Instagram allows you to view the list of accounts someone follows. To see this:

  1. Open the Instagram app and go to the profile of the person you want to check.
  2. Tap the “Following” button to view the list of accounts they are following.
  3. This list is generally organized with the most recent follows at the top.

However, there are some limitations:

  • If the account is private, you’ll need to follow them to see their “Following” list.
  • The list updates in real-time, meaning new follows will appear at the top, but there’s no timestamp to confirm the exact time or date.
  • Instagram may not show all follows at once, especially for users with large followings.

2. Third-Party Tools

While Instagram itself doesn’t provide detailed insights into someone’s recent follows, some third-party tools claim to offer these services. One such tool is Dolphin Radar, which provides comprehensive tracking of Instagram activity, including recent follows.

Dolphin Radar Features:

  • Anonymous Tracking: You can monitor Instagram accounts without the person knowing.
  • Detailed Reports: You’ll receive weekly, monthly, or even quarterly reports on follows, likes, and other interactions.
  • Cross-Platform Tracking: Dolphin Radar allows you to track not only Instagram but also linked accounts across Twitter, LinkedIn, and other platforms.

To use Dolphin Radar:

  1. Sign Up on their website and create an account.
  2. Enter the Instagram username of the person you want to track.
  3. Wait for Dolphin Radar to generate a detailed report on their recent activity, including follows.

Here’s an example of an activity report for Kylie Jenner’s Instagram: Kylie Jenner Activity Report.

Limitations of Third-Party Tools

It’s important to remember that using third-party tools can sometimes violate Instagram’s terms of service, potentially leading to the suspension of your account. Additionally, such services may not always be reliable, and you should be cautious about sharing personal information with these platforms.

What kind of info you can dig up with Dolphin Radar’s Instagram activity tracking reports?

Here’s a sneak peek at Dolphin radar’s Activity Analytics Sample, which you can use to see if their service meets your needs. I’ve also put together a quick rundown of the info to help you out. Hope this helps!

Overview of Someone’s Instagram Activity

Dolphin Radar offers a snapshot of someone’s Instagram activities over the past week. This includes their active time slots on Instagram, any changes in the accounts they follow (including new follows and unfollows), how many likes they’ve dished out, and the accounts they interact with the most.

Details on Likes

You’ll see a detailed list of all the likes someone has made on Instagram over the past week. This includes the accounts they liked, the number of likes, and the content of those likes. You can even click on user avatars and liked content to jump directly to the corresponding Instagram page or post. This makes it easier for you to check if their likes raise any red flags.

Someone’s Instagram Interest Tags

Dolphin Radar uses big data analytics to analyze the content and accounts someone likes. Then, it displays their recent interests in a tag cloud format. When someone suddenly gets interested in stuff they never cared about before, it can often be a red flag. Keep an eye out!

· View past posts: You can now view your partner’s historical posts. Dolphin Radar offers a much more efficient way than checking his account post by post.

· View Top 5 Accounts With Most Comments

· View suspected accounts: Now, identify potential suspicious accounts linked to your tracked Instagram profile across Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, TikTok, and Snapchat.

· Analytics now downloadable: Download the analytics and access all data in the CSV file, including details not shown above.

Additionally, depending on the subscription plan, monthly, quarterly, and annual tracking reports will be sent.

Ethical Considerations and Privacy

Before delving into someone else’s Instagram activity, it’s essential to think about privacy and respect:

  • Private Accounts: If someone’s account is private, it’s best to respect their privacy rather than trying to find ways around it.
  • Avoid Sharing Information: If you come across information about someone’s follows, keep it to yourself unless you have their consent to share it.
  • Focus on Meaningful Connections: Rather than fixating on someone’s follows, try to build authentic relationships based on shared interests and real interactions.


While it is possible to see who someone recently followed on Instagram, there are limitations depending on account settings, and the tools you use. Whether you’re using Instagram’s built-in features or a third-party tool like Dolphin Radar, it’s essential to approach the process with care and respect for others’ privacy. Understanding someone’s online behavior can be useful, but it’s equally important to ensure your actions align with ethical practices and promote a positive social media experience for everyone.

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