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How to Track Taylor Swift’s Instagram Activity Around Her New Album “Florida”

With the release of Taylor Swift’s new song and album “Florida,” Swifties worldwide are buzzing with excitement. For fans and followers eager to get closer to Taylor’s world, tracking her Instagram activity can provide exclusive insights and a deeper connection to her daily engagements and promotions. Here’s how you can use Dolphin Radar, an advanced Instagram activity tracking tool, to stay updated on Taylor Swift’s latest posts, interactions, and overall Instagram presence.

Why Track Taylor Swift’s Instagram Activity?

Taylor Swift isn’t just a global music icon; she’s a master of social media engagement. By tracking her Instagram activities, fans can see which posts garner the most interactions, what content she likes, and whom she follows. This information can give fans a glimpse into Taylor’s personal preferences and upcoming projects.

Getting Started with Dolphin Radar

To begin tracking Taylor Swift’s Instagram activity, you’ll need to subscribe to Dolphin Radar. This tool provides a comprehensive overview of any public Instagram account without breaching privacy standards. Here’s what Dolphin Radar offers when tracking an account like Taylor Swift’s:

How you can track Taylor Swift’s Instagram account with Dolphin Radar?

Step 1: Head over to Dolphin Radar and sign up. Once you’re in, navigate to your Dashboard.

Step 2: Add Taylor Swift’s Instagram account to your tracking list. Just a heads-up, though — Dolphin Radar’s tracking capabilities are limited to public Instagram accounts.

Step 3: After adding her Instagram account to the tracking list, all you need to do is sit back and wait for Dolphin Radar to whip up a detailed analysis report for you.

What kind of info you can dig up with Dolphinradar’s Instagram activity tracking reports?

Overview of Taylor Swift’s Instagram Activity

Dolphin Radar offers a snapshot of Taylor Swift’s Instagram activities over the past week. This includes her active time slots on Instagram, any changes in the accounts she follows (including new follows and unfollows), how many likes she’s dished out, and the accounts she interacts with the most. Since it takes a bit to generate tracking reports, what you see in the article are just sample reports from Dolphin Radar for you to check out.

Sample reports from Dolphin Radar

Details on Likes

You’ll see a detailed list of all the likes Taylor Swift has made on Instagram over the past week. This includes the accounts she liked, the number of likes, and the content of those likes. You can even click on user avatars and liked content to jump directly to the corresponding Instagram page or post.

Sample reports from Dolphin Radar

Taylor Swift’s Instagram Interest Tags

Dolphin Radar uses big data analytics to analyze the content and accounts Taylor Swift likes. Then, it displays her recent interests in a tag cloud format.

Sample reports from Dolphin Radar

View past posts

You can now view Taylor Swift’s historical posts. Dolphin Radar offers a much more efficient way than checking her account post by post.

Sample reports from Dolphin Radar

· View Top 5 Accounts With Most Comments

View suspected accounts

Dolphin Radar’s tracking has leveled up! Now, identify potential suspicious accounts linked to your tracked Instagram profile across Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, TikTok, and Snapchat.

Analytics now downloadable

Download the analytics and access all data in the CSV file, including details not shown above.

View historical reports

To better track and understand celebrity Instagram activity, Dolphin Radar offers access to historical reports, allowing you to view up to 36 weeks of past data.

Additionally, depending on the subscription plan, monthly, quarterly, and annual tracking reports will be sent.

Practical Uses of Tracking Taylor Swift’s Instagram

Here are a few practical ways fans and media professionals can use Dolphin Radar to engage with Taylor Swift’s Instagram activity:

· Fan Engagement: Knowing what Taylor likes and comments on can help fans feel a deeper connection to her. It also provides conversation starters for fan forums and social media discussions.

· Media Coverage: Journalists and bloggers can use insights from Taylor’s Instagram activities to predict trends, write more informed articles, or speculate on future collaborations.

· Event Planning: Event organizers can gauge Taylor’s interests and social engagements to plan themed events or listening parties that resonate with her style and recent activities.


As Taylor Swift rolls out her new album “Florida,” there’s no better time to start tracking her Instagram activity to gain unique insights and stay connected with her musical journey. With Dolphin Radar, you have the tool necessary to keep up with one of the most influential figures in pop music today. So, are you ready to get a closer look at Taylor’s Instagram world?Sign up for Dolphin Radar now and dive into Taylor Swift’s social media universe without missing a beat!

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